
church, tower

Church tower

Although it is in a completely different style, this is the tower of 2011-02-26.




If I remember the sign on the wall looked like it was indicating in Luxembourguish that this was an old tannery.


bill, café

Merci et au revoir

This seemed so typical of Luxembourg: each line appears to be taken randomnly from French and German.


water, fountain,

Fresh water

Bietzen Spa: “According to the Deutscher Bäderverband e.V. (German Spa Association), the spring is of a sodium calcium chloride water, which contains significant amounts of magnesium, hydrogen carbonate and sulphate.” Apparently, it is supposed to be good for you.


sculpture, garden,

Pink totem pole

If I recall correctly, the plaque with the name and artist had disappeared from this sculpture.


sculpture, garden,

“miteinander” - Peter Heesch

“with one another”


sculpture, garden,

“Keine Betonköpfe” - Laura Danzi

“No concrete heads / no hardliners”


sculpture, garden,

“Wolkenharfe” - Doina Tatoli

“Cloud harp”

By the way, these sculptures have a web site. It is in German, but has pictures of the artists.


sculpture, garden

“Vertrauliches Gespräch“ - Hubertus Jakobs

A “Confidential Conversation”, one of several sculptures in the SaarGarten in Beckingen.



Graffiti and bridge

Yet another bridge across the Saar - this time a rail bridge, I think.


sculpture, iron

Dillinger Kubenvariation/Cube Variations

A work by Friedrich Gräsel, rusting on the banks of the Saar since 1990.


phone cam, theatre, saar,

Phone cam recursion

Since 2010-12-20 I have retired my Sony Ericsson Satio and have been using an HTC Desire HD in its stead. The Desire is about 6 million times better as a smart phone, but probably has an inferior camera. I foresaw this when I started my blog and that was why I added rule number two (see text box to the right). So I will resist the temptation to keep taking photos with the Satio, and I will learn to live with the quirks of the Desire in order stick to the goal of this blog: trying to capture the essence of the places around me with the camera I always have with me.

P.S. Upon Ccat's request, here is a large version of the photo you see dimly on the Desire.