
metal tentacles, stadttheater, theatre

Theatre through metal

Yet another view of the state theatre, this time with more tentacles.


carnival,  narren, rio

Dreaming of Rio

Fewer tangas on display in the Northern Hemisphere version of the carnival.


soldier, carnival,

Carnival soldier

Old soldiers's uniforms are a common sight in German carnival processions.


carnival, crowds

Waiting for carnival

Roughly 100,000 people come each year to watch the carnival procession in Burbach, Saarbrücken, on Rosenmontag (the last Monday before Lent). Not as many as watch the processions in Mainz and Cologne, but no small figure for a town of 200,000 souls.


snow, witches, woods

No witches

The Hexentanzplatz (Witches' Dance Square), with no spell-binding or dancing beings in sight.


phone cam, saar

Phone cam recursion

My trusty Nokia N95 was getting a bit long in the tooth, So, I decided to upgrade to something more 21st century. I am now getting to know the quirks of the camera in my Sony Ericsson Satio, which will become the phone cam of this blog's title.


Clumps of snow

A shot from last week, when we still had snow. I can see how Eskimos might have hundreds of words for snow. Here, the powdery white flakes lay on the ground for weeks and took so many forms, as they were shovelled around, trodden on, frozen and blasted by wind and rain.



École de filles

A girls school opposite the purple window in French Grosbliederstroff.


tracks, snow, woods

Tractor tracks in the snow

I few white flakes do not stop the foresters from felling trees.