
grey sky, ladder


The spiral's taller brother.


  1. Ah ... now this is fantastic. 'xcept for that little oblong window-like shape of the RHS.

    The ladder and its assorted rungs is a great repeating pattern. The perspective draws one in. Hell, even the peeling paint is attractive.

  2. Wow ... this is so unexpected and so interesting ... draws me ... I hardly notice the orange.

  3. • con la mirada atenta...

    Good perspective.

    • best regards
    CR & LMA

  4. hahah nice! someone likes symetry!!! this is the straight brother! :P

  5. Hola :)

    Cuanto tiempo!!! je je,

    Es que ahora es epoca muy liada para mi, y hoy tengo hueco libre y aprovecho de ver las fotos, je je.

    Bueno acabo de ver las fotos, son muy chulas, me gustan.


  6. The orange brother has a nice perspective. Seems to be reaching for the sky.

  7. That would be very difficult to climb. An excellent photo. You can feel the height.
    Melbourne Daily Photo

  8. Thanks for the comments.

    Julie: And this time, there was no graffiti. I think the graffiti-sprayers have a fear of heights.

    Joan Elizabeth: I am glad you found it unexpected. I was beginning to think I was repeating myself. I showed a ladder up a communications tower a month or so ago.

    Paula Werner Severo: Obrigado. said...

    Lucas Mendes: Obrigado.

    Helen: I have to confess, I did a tiny bit of post-processing to make it straighter.

    Arte-amaia: Muchas gracias. Voy a pasar por tus páginas. Espero has tenido tiempo para captar un poco del País Vasco.

    Cioara Andrei: Mulţumesc.

    Andreea: He is reaching indeed, he extends far beyond the rooftop.

    Don and Krise; Thanks.

    BlossomFlowerGirl: I guess climbing it is a rare activity.
