
fountain, square, street café

Baroque fountain and street café

Sankt Johanner Markt, where people go to be seen.


  1. It looks like a nice place to get something to drink, have a seat and watch the world go by.

  2. nice pic - where are all the people who are sitting here normally :-)

  3. Very authentic! Where is everybody? (;
    I guess it was too hot that day and people prefered the lakes/river over the city. The sky speaks for itself.

  4. donde hay agua hay un escenario precioso, y este no fue la excepcion.

    hermosa toma.


  5. Thanks for the comments.

    Don and Krise: It is the perfect place in Saarbrücken to do that sit and watch the world go by thing.

    wooki: I did not want to clutter up my photo with people. So, I went down to the square early one Sunday morning.

    Buenos Aires Photoblog: I found a time - early on Sunday - when no one was around. It was that privacy issue again. I did not want to take photos where people's faces would be recognisable without asking permission. And I did not want to have to ask all the patrons of a café for permission.

    Sonia: Por eso la foto del día siguiente es ... otra vez una fuente.
