
open-air theatre

Open-air theatre in the valley of the Countess

A few metres away from the Gräfinthal monastery, isolated in glorious countryside, there is an open-air theatre. Although it is far from any town, although the performances can be cancelled by rain, although the actors are amateurs from nearby villages, the theatre still manages to attract over 20,000 visitors every summer. This season they are performning Shakespeare's As you like it and Guareschi's Don Camillo and children's favourite Urmel on the ice. Book your tickets online, and pray it does not rain.


  1. Este lugar es maravillosos, todo un jardín, que envidia de alojamiento, casi en plena naturaleza. El detalle de la bici roja en primer plano, me ha entusiasmado, que manera tan genial de reutilizar algo, y muy decorativo. Buen disparo

    un abrazo

  2. I love the grass stage. Great post!

  3. Beautiful location. What a magnificent building too.

  4. I would like to see Shakespeare's As you like it - might be interesting in this place. Even in rain:)

  5. O lugar é lindo...A foto ficou fantástica!... Lindo!

    Beijo e bom final de semana!

  6. Great Shakespeare! They seem to have an affection for Italy. Nice, too... I like the name of the house. Casa di popolo, House of the people...

  7. I enjoy open-air shows very much. This set is lovely!

  8. "urmel on the ice" rules!! no wonder they attract this mass of visitors, :-)!

  9. Ángel Corrochano: El sitio si es precioso. La combinación de teatro bonito, restaurante del monasterio rico y senderos de pasear pintorescos hace el sitio popular los fines de semana.

    RogerB: Yes, and a not very level grass stage. After a rainfall, I imagine an actor could easily end up in the audience.

    Don and Krise: I might not be obvious in the the 300x400 version, but the building is actually a plywood façade.

    joo: As an Englishman, I find the thought of Shakespeare in German a little unnerving.

    Carmem: Obrigado. Gosto muito da natureza linda no teu blog, também.

    Buenos Aires Photoblog: The casa di popolo must be for Don Camillo. The trattoria I think they have recycled from a Pinnochio production.

    JM: Glad you like it.

    Martina: I am a fan, too. So, I could soon be making another trip to Gräfinthal.

  10. I have been away for a few days and am catching up with my favourite blogs. Outdoor theatre on summer night sounds very enjoyable ... Shakespeare in German made me smile.
