
Celtic cat: a cat figure in Celtic style standing patiently in the rain before a burial mound.


  1. das hat was!
    ...und beißt nicht.

    Uns scheint auch wasserdicht zu sein!

  2. Beautiful photos, and are very good for a camera phone.

  3. Hahaha, what a funny-looking feller. It's a modern sculpture though, so I'm afraid it won't turn up in my essay.

    My key source of information is Miranda Green's book "Symbol and Image in Celtic Religious Art".
    If you're interested in Celtic art, it's definitely worth a read because it's not as boring as most academic books.

    I'd also recommend a great coffee table book by Helmut Birkhan called "Kelten: Bilder Ihrer Kultur"; there's an edition in German and English available.

    Thanks for your comment on my blog
